Converge Coffee

Learn from Experts Like They Were Right Across a Coffee Table

About the show

Converge Coffee connects you with business experts who have succeeded by constantly pivoting and staying motivated from lessons they learned. You get each speaker's actionable insights and feel their passion like you were sitting right across the coffee table.

This podcast is about building a strong customer experience (CX) community. Each episode will be packed with information at your fingertips. Think of this podcast as talking to the speaker right across the table and walk away with content to actually use. No more list posts because most people struggle with implementation. This is about proving CX through small, simple actionable ideas that make huge impacts.

We dive deeper in the 4 go to market (GTM) success cores to achieve and prove customer experience: Messaging, Design, Tech, and Experience. These 4 essentials don't only apply to marketing. Guests have marketing, sales, customer experience, revops, recruiting, data, and product backgrounds. Today, each business function grows either through customers or employees converging back to those 4 success cores.


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    Episode 149: How Companies Are On the Clock and Need to Find the Perfect Time

    December 1st, 2023  |  Season 6  |  12 mins 38 secs
    customer experience, jay baer

    In this episode, Erik Deckers sits down with Jay Baer (, owner of Ursus 10 and author of the new book, The Time to Win. They discuss how a company's speed is now the new differentiator. Jay also talks about how companies need to learn how to speed up their response time without being TOO fast, too. Jay predicts how companies can manage customers' expectations in the future, even as we expect companies to get faster and faster. Finally, Jay talks about his latest venture, becoming one of the largest tequila educators in the country with
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    Episode 148: How Focusing on Strategic Growth Offer Solutions in Plain Sight and Improves Experiences

    October 27th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  31 mins 21 secs
    branding, bruno pesec, customer experience, cx, personal branding

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Bruno Pesec, corporate consultant, co-author of Augmented Strategy, and doctorate student in organizational change. They dive into why Bruno started on his consulting practice and why he branded himself instead of a company name. They go deeper into his experience on what the two important levers for strategic growth. Bruno gives some great insights on how companies grow but how leaders can foster growth. Bruno gives examples of how he helps leaders find growth opportunities in plain sight. Bruno gets deep on how he has fostered his own growth from his inquisitive mind, his parents, and his love for martial arts.
    More About Bruno.

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    Episode 147: How Architecting Better Data Models and Building Better Customer Experience Cadences Drastically Improves Churn

    October 27th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  26 mins 41 secs
    customer experience, cx, sage digi, sharon park

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Sharon Park, CEO and President at Sage Digi. They dive into why Sharon started Sage Digi after many years at Google. They go deeper into her experience on how to architect a full funnel advertising strategy for B2B companies. Sharon gives some great insights on how data alignment and cleanliness are key. Sharon gives examples of how she uses those solid CX principles that helped reduce her own company churn from 35% to 5%. Sharon gets deep on her focus on self transform and how that plays into her different life facets.
    More About Sharon.

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    Episode 146: Why is Understanding the Research and Development Process is Essential for the Customer Experience

    October 13th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  29 mins 49 secs
    customer experience, cx, mysteryvibe, research and development, soum rakshit

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Dr. Soum Rakshit, Co-Founder & CEO of award-winning sexual health company, MysteryVibe. They dive into why Soum started MysteryVibe. They go deeper into his experience from having a biomedical background and a PhD and how journey to starting MysteryVibe. Soum gives some great insights on how long the R&D process is and how distribution is the easy part in medical product releases. Soum gives wonderful tech examples of his own products and some tech giants. His tone gives off an astute yet inquisitive feeling. Soum gets deep on his love for his son, travel, and exploring the city.
    More About Soum.

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    Episode 145: How Staying Curious and Keeping in the Customer's Narrative Improves Customer Experience

    October 6th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  25 mins 17 secs
    capital stacking, customer experience, fintech, sara weldon, trufinco

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Sara Weldon, Founder and CEO at TruFinCo. They dive into why Sara started TruFinCo. They go deeper into her experience getting into finance and fintech. Sarah gives some great insights on how to deliver great customer experiences to differentiate in the market. Her tone gives off an friendly, to the point, and astute knowledge on how finance can be simple. Sara gets deep on her love for animals and recharging being in introvert in an extrovert job.
    More About Sara.

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    Episode 144: How Using Revenue Operations Strategies Improves Customer Experience

    September 29th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  35 mins 3 secs
    customer experience, cx, eddie reynolds, rev ops, revenue operations, union square consulting

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Eddie Reynolds, Founder and CEO of Union Square Consulting. They dive into why Eddie started Union Square Consulting. They go deeper into his experience at Salesforce and Rev Ops views catapulted his success. Eddie gives some great insights on moving what to look for in scaling a company and reducing churn. His tone gives off an astute knowledge on how strategy and technical bridge together. Eddie gets deep on his love of math and how is childhood passions came about today.
    More About Eddie.

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    Episode 143: How to Bridge the Sophistication Gap in Marketing to Create Better Customer Experiences and Achieve Revenue Growth

    September 8th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  24 mins 36 secs
    customer experience, marketing, shake marketing group, sophistication gap, stacey danheiser

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Stacey Danheiser, founder of Shake Marketing Group. They dive into why Stacey started Shake Marketing Group. They go deeper into her marketing experience in B2B and B2C and how to bridge the sophistication. Stacey gives some great insights on moving from being a marketing specialist to leader - know 3 things, your role, customer, and company. Her tone gives off an astute knowledge on creating great marketing to enhance customer experiences. Stacey gets deep on her love of writing, yoga, and cooking.
    More About Stacey.

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    Episode 142: How Building Journey Orchestrations Creates Better Customer Experiences

    August 18th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  25 mins 7 secs
    annette franz, customer experience, cx, cx journey

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Annette Franz, founder and CEO of CX Journey Inc. They dive into why Annette started CX Journey and her +30 years of CX experience. They go deeper into her thoughts on customer expansion and retention. Annette gives some great insights on journey orchestration and how marketers can leverage this. Her tone gives off a jovial, astute knowledge on creating great customer experiences. Annette gets deep on why loves routines, her 90s bodybuilding days, any why/how she gets out of the office to recharge.
    More About Annette.

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    Episode 141: How Effective Thought Leadership Creates Better Content and Deeper Customer Experiences

    August 4th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  26 mins 30 secs
    ashley faus, atlassian, customer experience, marketing, product marketing, thought leadership

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Ashley Faus, marketer, writer, and speaker by day, and a singer, actor, and fitness fiend by night. Oh, she is also the director of integrated product marketing at Atlassian. They dive into why Ashley is so passionate about the four pillars of thought leadership (credibility, profile, prolific, and depth of ideas). They go deeper into her thought about why C-suite or founders aren not the best built thought leaders. Ashley gives some great insights and examples of what her team does at Atlassian. Her tone gives off helpful, astute knowledge on creating great customer experiences through leadership. Ashley gets deep on why loves work integration through her love of theater and fitness in he work.
    More About Ashley.

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    Episode 140: Why Taking a Buyer's Journey Perspective Enhances Customer Experiences and Decreases Churn

    June 16th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  21 mins 12 secs
    buyers journey, customer experience, cx, farzad rashidi, product led, respona, revenue, visme

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Farzad Rashidi, lead innovator at Respona, the link-building outreach platform that helps businesses increase their organic traffic from Google. They dive into why Farzad started Respona from his work at Visma. They go deeper into his process to build an in house software. Farzad gives some great insights on how to develop great customer experiences from understanding your buyer's journey. His constant approach to test and reiterate helped Respona figure out effective product led motions and adoptions. His tone gives off a helpful, fun tone on creating great customer experiences. Farzad gets deep on why he does digital detoxes and hikes to help bring better creativity.
    More About Farzad.

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    Episode 139: What Can a Bunch of Guys in Togas Teach Us about Leadership

    June 9th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  14 mins 7 secs
    communications, customer experience, cx, leadership, scott monty

    In this episode, Erik Deckers sits down with his friend, Scott Monty, a strategic communications and leadership coach who works with C-suite executives. They discuss the problems leaders are having today, and what they're doing right. They also talk about how Scott's degree in Classics help him train better leaders. And he gives insights on how history has carried the same lessons throughout history to leader after leader.
    More about Scott.

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    Episode 138: Why Enabling Your Team to be Subject Matter Experts Creates Great Customer Experiences

    April 28th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  24 mins 41 secs
    customer experience, cx, patti mara, upsolutions

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Patti Mara, author of UpSolutions and business coach. They dive into why Patti wrote UpSolutions and her passion for locally owned businesses. They go deeper into her years of experience. Patti gives some great insights on aspects of great customer experience. Her experience in pharma lays out why customer experience is so vital to company's success. Her tone gives off a helpful, fun tone on creating great customer experiences. Patti gets deep on why she local communities. She even sheds light on how she recoups spending time with her family, friends, and animals (horses).
    More About Patti.

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    Episode 137: Why Influencer Marketing is More than Just Getting Likes and Views

    April 21st, 2023  |  Season 6  |  18 mins 38 secs
    cipio,, cipioai, customer experience, influencer marketing, jason falls, messaging

    In this episode, Erik Deckers sits down with his co-author Jason Falls, Executive Vice President, Marketing at They discuss how Jason pivoted from social media marketing to influencer marketing. Jason also explains what's so great about influencers and why they work for big brands and small companies. He also explains how analytics and metrics has transformed influencer marketing. And he gives insights on how companies can best use influencers in their own marketing efforts.
    More about Jason.

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    Episode 136: How to Remove Bias to get Good, Actionable Customer Experience Data

    April 14th, 2023  |  Season 6  |  22 mins 23 secs
    customer experience, cx, data, evan klein, satrix solutions

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Evan Klein, founder and president of Satrix Solutions. They dive into why Evan started Satrix Solutions and why he was obsessed with customer experience (CX). They go deeper into his years experience facilitating customer expansion and retention. Evan gives some great insights his approach with culture, good data, and acting on feedback. His company's differentiator removes confirmation bias allowing companies capturing reliable data. His tone gives off a helpful, humble tone on creating great customer experiences. Evan gets deep on how was hard wired from birth on his obsession with great CX. He even gives insight on personal view and how he recharges to sustain his CX passion.
    More About Evan.

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    Episode 135: How Packaging Gratitude with a Sale Creates Customer Experiences

    March 31st, 2023  |  Season 6  |  17 mins 30 secs
    appreciation advocate, customer experience, steve buzogany

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Steve Buzogany, founder of Appreciation Advocate. He is a realtor and small business owner. They dive into why Steve started Appreciation Advocate. They go deeper into his experience creating great customer experiences by honing in on appreciation. Steve gives some great insights his methodology and the returns. His tone gives off a helpful, direct tone on creating great customer experiences around appreciation. Steve gets deep on how he takes time decompress and recharges. He even gives insight how he systematized gratitude and relates well to business.

    More About Steve.

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    Episode 134: How Solving Problems with Podcasts Created Great Customer Experiences

    March 31st, 2023  |  Season 6  |  26 mins 5 secs
    brand, customer experience, jar audio, podcasts, roger nairn

    In this episode, Sean sits down with Roger Nairn is the Co-Founder and CEO of JAR Audio. He is a brand podcaster whose has over 20 years experience. They dive into why Roger co-founded JAR Audio. They go deeper into his experience creating podcasts and how to measure impact. Roger gives some great insights how podcasting helps with brand, customer experience, sales, and more. His tone gives off a helpful, astute tone on creating podcasts to delight companies and listeners alike. Roger gets deep on how he takes time to learn and work on his mental health.

    More About Roger.